It’s always exciting for me to try different cross training for runners workouts!
I love the variation that it adds to the typical running routine and how you can really mix it up so that you are doing workouts that you enjoy!
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During the winter months and the times that I need to do my cross training workout at home I love using YouTube to get a fun workout in!
Since that is my go-to at-home workout platform I have a bunch of different videos that I find myself going back to and using and I want to share them with you!
These are all full length workouts that make for effective cross training workouts for runners!
Many of these workouts focus on building upper body strength. We do not use our upper body particularly are arms, shoulders, and back when running so targeting these on a cross training days is ideal!
We should be focused on pulling in our abs during our runs but with all the other aspects of form it can be hard to remember.
You could work your abdominal muscles on a daily basis. Your abs, unlike your legs and arms don't need much rest after a heavy workout day. Be sure to target them during each of your cross training workouts as you need them strong as a runner and even just for every day living!
So many of these workouts will include abdominal exercises in them! So you are covered!
A big reason why I’m excited to share these videos with you is that now I will have a resource list for myself!
So go ahead and bookmark this page and come back to it when you need to get in a great cross training workout at home!
I will first share some cross training for runners workouts that are not videos and then I will share the Youtube video list!
Also, grab this FREE cross training activities list for runners to keep your routine fun and full of variety!
Total Body HIIT/Strength Workout:
Complete 3 sets of 15 reps for each move:
Optional (but great for a full body workout or to turn it into more of a HIIT workout):
Include cardio burst moves between each strength move. Pick one of the following (or choose your own) and do it 25-50x between each strength move.
Pin this workout or save it for later!
Alright! Let's get on to my YouTube workout favorites!
I always recommend Jessica Smith because of how versatile her workouts are!
My grandma who is in her seventies actually introduced me to Jessica Smith on YouTube and she works out religiously. #goals
They were perfect for me while I was pregnant but they can also give you a killer workout by modifying the moves to make it higher intensity so I go back to her all the time!
How to modify her workouts:
With any workout, the faster, bigger, and lower (except with the arms since raising your arms above your head will always increase intensity) you go with the movements the higher the intensity level will be.
Most of her workouts are “walking” workouts, so they are great for beginners and those who want something with low impact especially after all of your high impact running days!
Jessica Smith also incorporates a lot of strength building in her workouts and you can get a great total body strength workout in under 20 minutes.
Here are a couple of my favorites that are great cross training for runners:
Fitness Blender has always been a favorite of mine.
I love the simple formatting and also the fact that you get to choose your own music as they do not use any in their videos.
They do still coach you through their workouts and their count down timers and calorie counters are fun to look at as you are moving through the workout.
PopSugar has so many different workouts for you to try that are always fun and different!
There are usually a couple different fitness leaders to show you how to modify the moves to your fitness level.
They really stick with you when the workouts get tough!
Here are some good cross training videos that I like to do with them!
15 minute low impact cardio workout:
Great video to warm up with before doing strength training since it’s low impact and uses different muscles than running so a different cardio workout.
- This yoga routine builds strength, increases your flexibility and focuses on lengthening your muscles!
As runners we are constantly contracting our muscles over and over and over again. Doing a yoga workout on your cross training day will give your muscles some reverse action!
Swimming is an excellent form of cross training for runners!
Here are several different swimming workouts that you can do that are geared specifically for runners!
This is a great cross training for runners workout with a fun perspective from another runner.
I would say that it is more of an increasing and decreasing pyramid workout which which will challenge you! It’s good for a beginner but definitely also intermediate level!
You can adjust the intensity level for yourself. It includes lots of lateral movement which runners need! Overall it’s a great workout! It’s just long enough, can be modified and features a friendly coach!
Whitney from The Mother Runner's has a Kettlebell Leg Workout for Runners that would help increase your leg strength.
Alright, now I have to ask you….what’s your favorite cross training for runners video on YouTube! I want to try it out!
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