answer these questions...

  • Are you overwhelmed by the idea of running a long distance race?
  • Are you not seeing any improvements in your running?
  • Do you want to meet a time goal?
  • Does a time goal keep eluding you?
  • Are you worried about hitting the wall or not being able to finish the race?
  • Are you not sure what training program is best for you?
  • Are you confused by how you should train for a race?
  • Do you need confidence that you are not wasting your time following a plan only to have it fail because it didn't meet your needs?

If you answered YES to even one of these questions, you could greatly benefit from a custom training plan catered specifically to you, your fitness level and your goals! 

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Here's what every marathoner needs:

  • Belief that they can finish
  • Belief that they can meet their time goal
  • Belief that what they are doing will be worth their effort
  • Confidence in their training
  • Confidence in setting realistic healthy goals

If you answered YES to even one of the questions on the right than personalized training is for you.

Training for a marathon or a half marathon is too big of a challenge to undertake and leave to chance by using a training plan that is trying to meet everyone's needs.

What you will receive in your personalized marathon training plan:

  • A personalized training package that includes your marathon training plan based off of your needs, fitness level, and if striving for a time goal, personalized training paces. 
  • An optional simple fitness test to help assess your (Vo2max) aerobic fitness level (if you are looking to see improvements or reach a time goal then this is mandatory), to see what some realistic goals are for you and exactly how you need to train and pace yourself
  • Access to a  personalized nutrition guide that will tell you how many calories you are burning through your training, how many calories you need every day to sustain your marathon training lifestyle, and how much of eacmacro nutrient - carbohydrate, protein, and fat - you need daily  all included in the EAT LIKE A MARATHONER Nutrition Course that will explain how you need to eat and hydrate to have a successful training cycle and race
  • Extra information\guide on whatever you want to focus on/work on during this marathon - weight loss, strength, endurance, motivation, nutrition, etc. 
  • Email support/check in half way through your training + adjustments if needed
  • Email support/check in 2 weeks before your scheduled race or goal end date
  • A whole lot of wonderful memories, self-worth, and confidence!

     + Get the EAT LIKE A MARATHONER Nutrition Course for FREE with your Custom Training Package ($57 value)


*The one-time payment of $150 for a custom training plan is not due until after we have communicated via email and before I begin working on your training plan. 

other marathoner's experience with custom training...

"During my half-marathon training it felt like I was making no progress other than increasing my distance but with this training plan I can definitely see lots of progress every single week! I’m getting faster, stronger, and my V02max is going up a little bit after every run. You’re training plan was a huge help so thanks so much! I don’t think I would’ve been able to make so much progress so quickly without it."

                                                                                                                                                                                           - Tasnim

Why is Custom Training the Best Option for You?

1. It saves time! You will save time knowing that you have a training plan designed to fit your body, your needs, your goals. You wont have to dig and research and find multiple plans and then try and sort out which one is the right one for. You only have to fill out a profile and your plan will tailored for you.

2. It will help prevent injuries. If a training plan is too aggressive for you, you risk incurring an injury. In fact that is one of the number one reasons that people find themself injured. They take on too much, too soon. With a custom plan, you don't need to worry about whether you are doing too much. The plan will take into account your running history, fitness level and previous injuries and lifestyle to make sure that you are training at the right level. 

3. It works with your schedule. We all lead busy lives. Everyone's schedule is a little hectic at times and juggling a training plan to fit directly into your life can leave any runner feeling stretched too thin. Custom training plans however schedule your runs, long runs, cross training, etc. to fit into your day to day life, on days when you can handle it. Another Bonus: having your runs fit into your schedule will make it much more likely that you will keep up with your training and have a successful race. It is all mapped out for you, you just have to do it. 

4. It works with your goals. Most generic plans are designed to get the runner to the finish line. Not just one runner but thousands of runners. Everyone knows that no two people are the same. Their goals, dreams, hopes, visions, are all unique to them. What they want out of a race can only be expressed by them. How can one training plan give everyone what they are looking for? It simply cannot. Custom training though can. It is centered around each runners goal. The core of the plan is designed around what each runner is hoping to gain through the training and the race.

Why Trust Me With Your Training?

I have been running for over 10 years. With 6 marathons under my shoes and numerous races of a variety of distances, it’s my first love.

I couldn’t stop at the finish line though and so I majored in Kinesiology with a focus in Exercise Science.

With courses in biomechanics, training periodization, anatomical kinesiology, sports nutrition and a host of others including a cardiac rehab internship, I have made running not only my passion but my job.

So How Exactly Does Custom Training Work? 

How does it work? What do you need to do now?

It's three easy steps to get your personal plan. 

Step 1: Fill out the profile form that is linked below and submit it. This will help me understand your goals, running history, what you want out of the race, what kind of training plan you are looking for, etc.

Step 2:  Wait for me to email you. I will review your profile and goals, make sure we are a good fit for each other and then I will email you within 24 hours if it is during the week, or the next business day if it is the weekend.

Step 3:  After you receive my email, I will start working on your personalized training plan as soon as your payment clears. Allow 3 weekdays to receive your personalized training plan along with a full explanation of how it was designed.  Follow up with any questions  and support that you may need.

The goal is to give you a training plan that works for you and makes YOU successful while having a wonderful racing experience. 

So are you ready to start on this adventure? I would be honored to work with you and get you race ready with a plan that can only work for you. 

Questions? Requests?

If you have any questions or requests that you want to add/take away just Email Me or leave a comment below!

Select your option and fill out the profile form below. Once I begin working on your training plan it usually takes 3 business days to get it back to you! 

Let's get started on your goals now! 


*The one-time payment of $150 for a custom training plan is not due until after we have communicated via email and before I begin working on your training plan. 

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