A Summer Half Marathon Training Schedule!

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Remember Summer growing up?

You probably weren't dreaming about half marathon training in future years but they were always such a magical time of late nights, fireflies, barbecues and friends.

It was always filled with excitement!

We lose a lot of that fun spontaneity as we get older and it becomes harder with our schedules, jobs, and family life.

Half Marathon Training Plan for Summer

Setting new goals for yourself can be one way though to break out of the rut and routine and get some of that spirit back into your summer.

There are so many ways you can do this - setting a goal to read so many books or listen to a podcast a day or even just take 15 minutes each day to focus on relaxing .

I'm going to propose something though that will help you feel good, maybe lose some weight, gain muscle, confidence, and WILL help to reduce your stress level and that is to set a goal to run a half marathon at the end of the summer!

I  designed for you a 13 week half marathon training plan which will last from June 1 until the very end of August.

I challenge you to find a half marathon to run at the end of the summer...maybe a Labor day weekend run?

(If you are looking to run a 4th of July race then maybe check out our 6 Week Half Marathon Challenge!)

Just make the commitment and see how being in a training plan and working towards a great goal can really make such a difference in your daily life.

It is a commitment to become healthier and take care of your body & mind. And trust me, it will spill into all the other parts of your daily life!

And see for yourself what a difference a great summer with goals can make!

How to train in the summer:

Training for a race during the summer presents the challenge of running in the heat. 

How can you get around the fact that it's 100 degrees outside and you need to run 8 miles on your training plan?

It sounds miserable to train for a summer half marathon.  However there are a few ways to beat the heat and grab that coveted finisher's medal!

Tips to beat the heat of the Summer

  • run run in the early morning or at the end of the day
  • Wet your t-shirt before you start your run
  • Carry your water bottle with you

  • Wear this neck tie to help keep you cool! (This really feels awesome and helps a ton when it's hot out! You just wet it, tie it around your neck and instantly it works it magic to keep you feeling not so hot!)
  • Run on a treadmill. However since you will be racing outside I suggest only doing 1 run a week on the treadmill.
  • And since it is so important to be safe when running when it's outside, here is more information on running in the heat.

So here is your half marathon training plan!

The best person for this plan:

A beginner runner who can run at least 2-3 miles.

length of the plan

13 Weeks

mileage per week

Starts at 11 miles and builds up to at the most 24 miles

long run:

Your long training runs are scheduled for Saturdays however these can easily be shifted to Sundays by shifting the entire week by one day.

Unless you are training for a time goal, keep your long run pace slow, even 1-2 minutes slower than your normal running pace.

Short Runs

Shorter training runs are scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

These will help you to keep your running fitness base, build volume throughout the week and help to reduce injury during your long run on the weekend by keeping your running muscles in tune.

Cross training

Is included on Wednesdays.

There are so many different things you can do on your cross training days. Here are some cross training ideas for runners and which ones to avoid.

Plus check out this list of cross training workout videos on YouTube for runners.

Rest Days

2 rest days are scheduled each week during this training plan.

One is scheduled on Thursdays and one on Sundays after your long run.

Try and be mindful that you are supposed to be getting some extra rest and do things like go to bed 30 minutes earlier or make a super healthy protein smoothie!

Also, grab your free printout of the program below the half marathon training plan!

Summer Half Marathon Training Schedule

One Other Half Marathon Training plan that is 12 weeks and could be done over the summer months:

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