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High protein foods might not be on the top of your list as a runner, especially a long distance runner training for a half or full marathon.
Your primary food macro will probably and should be carbohydrates!
However, protein is crucial in helping your body repair and when you are suffering from mini muscle tears, total body stress and overall fatigue.
recover especially after those long training runs
Therefore, on this page, I want to:
Think about making your own list that you enjoy and can have on hand and incorporate after your runs!
Protein, the building block of the body’s cells and tissues, is a very valuable and necessary dietary component.
This nutrient is an essential part of a runner’s and non-runners diet.
When your body is not getting enough you can almost always tell the difference.
You might experience headaches or a lethargic feeling because your body is missing out on this important element that builds and repairs your body’s cells.
In healthy diets it is good to take in about 25% of our food consumption as proteins.
25% might seem like a lot but many scientists argue that even that might not be enough and maybe we should be taking in as much as half of our body weight in grams. (So a 184lbs. man might need to take in as much as 92 grams of protein!)
At the very least we should be consuming about 1/3 of our body’s weight in grams. An average amount would be roughly 36 grams, give or take a few depending on how big or small you are.
As a runner, and particularly a marathon runner, it is vitally important to be taking in enough protein especially before and after a long run.
Before a long run:
Protein is not going to help much as far as energy metabolism goes. When you run you will be burning a large amount of carbohydrates and some fats. However, you will almost never burn protein as fuel for running.
It is fine and good to eat something that incoporates protein in it however, stay away from high protein foods such as protein bars and shakes.
Focus on taking in carbohydrates. This is more important in runs that are greater than an hour in length.
Here is a page dedicated entirely to the best foods to eat before a long run.
During a Run:
There is no need to take in protein during your run. Small amounts are fine but it is okay to wait to consume protein until after you are done running.
We talk about foods to eat during a long run on this page and this guide dives into the best energy drinks for distance runners.
After a Run:
The role of protein is escalated after a run. In order for your body to utilize protein to restore and recover damaged muscle cells to it's highest potential it is best to eat a snack high in protein no later than 30-45 minutes after a run, particularly a long run.
This is due to your protein transporters which are at their highest level after a run until about 30-45 minutes later.
Your protein transporters take in protein for absorption and will be the most beneficial at this time in terms of repair work capacity.
A protein shake is a great way to replenish protein stores as it is easier on the digestive system then something like a protein bar.
Not only will it help to recover micro-trauma that your body has undergone but protein will also help to keep your strength up in order to take on the next run.
This page goes more in-depth into the best foods for runners after a long run.
Going on a Shorter Run?
If you are going on a shorter run of 45 minutes or less, you can also eat a protein snack before hand and still take advantage of the higher levels of protein transporters.
It not as imperative though to be intaking the right amounts of fuel though as it is when you are performing a long run.
Here are the sources where you will find the most high protein foods (and that are extremely healthy for you!):
Remember, that it is always recommended to get your protein from whole food sources versus something like a whey protein powder although those definitely serve a purpose as well.
The Ultimate Guide to eating and fueling for marathon training and racing success! + get access and develop your own personalized marathon nutrition plan to implement before your marathon with our 9 STEP Prep Plan!
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