Develop Your Marathon Mindset: a 20 Week Mental Training Plan!

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So you are training to run a marathon or even a half marathon or an ultra marathon.

You feel a little daunted by the distance. You wonder if you will even be able to finish. That last training run was hard enough. You're not sure you are covering all of your bases in training for such a huge accomplishment. Are you missing something?

You have come to realize that the marathon really is 20% physical and 80% mental. You have heard that the first 20 miles of the race are easy it’s the last 6 that are the hardest.

You have heard elite athletes working through their thoughts and emotions when gearing up for a big race. You were never really sure if that was for you though. You just want to run this race and be successful doing it.

I understand! It took me 3 marathons to figure it out...

I understand how you feel! It took me 3 marathons to realize that what I lacked in reaching my marathon goals wasn't a series of great training runs! It was that I ignored the value of training my brain to work for me just as hard as my legs! 

Once I took the mental aspect of marathon running seriously that's when I saw results! I went from dreading the 22 mile mark and beyond, struggling with doubts and hating myself for ever even signing up for this marathon to being confident, self-coaching myself, and having fun! 

It all came down to developing my mindset! 

Mental Training IS for you. It's for all marathoners who want to make their race a whole lot easier!

It is incredible how many marathoners neglect to implement any kind mental training into there marathon training programs when it is something that takes little time and gives big results!

The mind-body relationship is no joke. It is for real. The mind actually dictates your body, how you feel, what you can accomplish.

You see, how you THINK is how you FEEL is how you DO. (or not do.)

Runners who don't think out their mental strategy for the race are leaving a huge chunk of potential on the table. But why? Having a mental strategy going into the race will only do you good...and it wont even be a huge time investment.

But how? What kinds of mental strategies should you be brainstorming?

That's why I developed the Develop your Marathon Mindset: 20 Week Mental Training Workbook! To get at the heart of who you are so that you can create and find the best mental strategies that work for you to use on race day and to help make your training easier!

 As Lynn Jennings (who is only one of the best female American long distance runner of all time!) says, "Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body." 

What's in Develop Your Marathon Mindset?

I get it. Marathon training in itself is a huge commitment! You are probably thinking that you do not have time to do any kind of mental strength building. 

This Mindset Training for Marathoners is a 20 Week Training Plan that brings you new bite-sized mental prompts and techniques from week to week that will take you minimal time to put into effect. Most of the things that you learn will be practiced on the training runs that you are already running. 

This is a workbook that you can fill out on your device or print out. You will be answering questions, implementing the prompts, and practicing the techniques that are given each week to discover what works best for you!

Here are some of the prompts and techniques that you will be learning throughout the weeks that are packed into this 40-page training plan:

  • develop your "Why", your mission, vision, and goals
  • how to choose a mantra
  • practice how to turn any doubts into positive statements
  • reflect on race conditions in order to reduce stress
  • how to make a long distance race such as the marathon more manageable
  • how to tap into past feelings of success
  • learn strategy for pain management
  • how to use modeling effectively
  • harness the power of positive affirmations in your running
  • AND more!

It really is designed to help you implement the strategies that speak the most to you. You don't have to implement every single one but having a few tools to pull from will give you the confidence you need to combat the mental struggles that you will face. 

Going through the training in Develop Your Marathon Mindset will bring such a powerful and positive force to your marathon training! 

  • you will have given your marathon training your all by implementing mental strategies! 
  • you will complete your marathon knowing that you left nothing on the table. You did your best. No regrets.
  • you will create wonderful memories of your race and training experience as you implement positive mental techniques
  • you will be able to help and encourage other runners who might be struggling in their training and on the race course
  • you will be able to effectively block out those negative thoughts and emotions that can really make your marathon go in the wrong direction
  • once you have this Workbook you will be able to start fresh and use it for all of your other races!
  • you will help take your marathon and running to the next level. There is an obvious difference between a runner who is mentally strong and a runner who is only physically strong!
  • you will have these techniques for the rest of your life that can be carried over into all other areas of your life! Mind development is a huge asset! 
  • It can be combined with any marathon or half marathon training plan! 

We are having an on-going conversation with ourselves each and every time we go out for a run. If you can learn coaching techniques on how to keep your self-talk positive and working FOR you then you WILL be successful at the marathon! You will have fun during the race and you will be able to give encouragement to other runners along the way! 

Don't leave your race-day success to the physical aspect of solely checking off training runs. 

If your head is in the game, prepared and ready then you will be a marathon finisher and a goal crusher! 

Mindset Training Plan for MarathonErs:
20 Weeks of training to help you overcome mental blocks and run long distances
