17 Best Marathon Training Gear Pieces for Running

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It’s true that you don’t need any marathon running gear except a pair of shoes and really you don’t even need that (the 1960 Olympic Marathon in Rome was won by a barefoot runner).

"Abebe Bikila running barefoot at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. The Ethiopian native took gold in that race, crossing the finish line in a record time of 2:15:16."

Source: https://www.sportshistoryweekly.com/stories/abebe-bikila-barefoot-marathon-champion,333

However many runners like to have certain gadgets and jogging gear to make their runs, especially their long runs more comfortable.

So what else might you need as far as marathon running accessories go?

Clothes & Shoes

1. Running Shoes:

As most runners choose to not run sans shoes it is an excellent idea to invest in a strong and sturdy pair of running shoes.

Running shoes should generally be traded out for a new pair about every 350- 500 miles.

Spend a little more money (and time) to find a durable and especially comfortable shoe for training.

 Here are my running shoe recommendations. + get my free Running Shoes for Long Distance Runners eBook!

And Lauren, from Running for Wellness, has quite the review on the gel nimbus 23 running shoes that you might have to check out as well!

I also have a list of the best HOKA Running Shoes for Marathoners here!

2. Polyester Clothing

Yes, you can run in whatever you find comfortable but anything made with polyester is usually hard to beat as far as comfort is concerned.

Polyester wicks away sweat and prevents rashes.

It also is a thermoregulating material that will keep you cool in the hot summer and warm in the winter.

How can you beat an outfit that does double duty for you?!

If you are running in cold weather here is a guide on what to wear in cold weather for the 5k distance and beyond. 

3. Compression Socks 

We've all seen them worn by professionals and amateurs alike.

What is the positive and negative research about these babies, and are they really worth buying? (Spoiler alert: they are.)

Here is a guide on the pros and cons of wearing compression socks as a runner and marathoner.

Here is another page on the best compression socks for runners where I outline my 6 favorite compression running socks.

4. For those who hate running in the heat - you have to get a Way 2 Cool Microfiber cloth!

It works like a charm to keep you feeling cool and fresh DURING your run and it will stay cool and hydrated well after your long run is done. 

Here are some other tips for running in the heat!

5. For the Ladies: Sports Bra's and Running Skirts  & Running Outfit Ideas

Wearing the right sports bra can make all the difference between a comfortable run and one that's not.

It also will make a difference in the coming years so treat your girls right and follow these tips to find a running bra that fits you best! 

Running Skirts 

It's easy to get in a rut with your running but adding a fun wardrobe change like a running skirt really can give you and extra boost of motivation while making you feel feminine and pretty.

Plus there are so many different prints, patterns, styles and colors out there on the market that makes hard to choose from!

Here is also a list of Cute Running Outfits for Women that has ideas for running in the summer, winter, rain, snow, on race day, you name it!  

Running Gear: Gadgets and Gizmos

6. A Good Running Watch 

A good watch will become one of your best friends during marathon training especially if you are trying to make a time goal.

You don’t need to get an expensive stopwatch just one that works although there are so many cool watches out there can really enhance your running game! 

On this page I break down the similarities and differences between Garmin vs Apple Smart watches and which is better for runners! 

7. ï»¿Running Logs 

Running Logs are a fantastic idea specially if you are in a training program or are trying to improve your times.

You will become a better, smarter marathoner by making this a part of your run.

Logs help you figure out what works and doesn't work for you when it comes to running.

Investing the small amount of time it takes to write about your run is invigorating and practical.

Check this page out for more about running logs and why you should keep one it really is an essential piece of running gear!

8. A Gymboss Interval Timer

If you don't have a smart watch where you can set up laps and a beeper system then the Gymboss solves that problem! 

With the Gymboss interval timer you can set an alarm (or vibration) to go off at different intervals signaling you to speed up or slow down.

You just program your interval workout into it (how many minutes you need to run and how long your rest intervals are) and let it do the rest while you focus on your form and pace during your speed exercise.

No more checking your watch to see if you are done with your interval. Best of all...it's actually affordable.

9. A good pair of jogging headphones

Many runners find that listening to music, audiobooks, or podcasts makes their long runs more enjoyable and helps the miles fly by.

Finding a good pair of jogging headphones can be a challenge though.

Many tend to fall out of your ear and constantly need to be readjusted or start feeling uncomfortable during a run.

Honestly, for me Bluetooth headphones are the only way to go!

You don't have to worry about them falling out of your ear because you accidentally yanked the cord.

They are less dangerous when running on the treadmill and strength training and are absolutely worth getting a pair!

Find ones that hook over your ears as they seem to stay on the best! 

I've had these Bluetooth headphones for years now. They are great for running, they don't slip out while you are running and they are under $30!

My husband also has a pair that he uses for running and I'm buying an extra pair office use because they are just that good.

You really don't need the Apple pods if you don't want to spend the money. 

10. Don't forget about safety gear!

Think about when you run and where you run and plan accordingly.

Should you be wearing a reflective vest? carrying mace spray? Accidents happen but many can be prevented. 

Here's a page specifically on staying safe while running.

Here are some tips + gear for running in the dark. 

11. A Treadmill!

I can't live without mine! They offer so much freedom and flexibility to my marathon training! 

I will always prefer to run in the great outdoors but there are times that I can't leave the house but I have to get a run in which renders my treadmill invaluable!

They don't have to cost a small fortune either! You can find a great treadmill secondhand at thrift stores, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. 

Here is my ultimate guide to finding the best treadmill for runners on a budget!

In the guide, I break the best treadmills down into categories: under $500, under $1000, best for marathon training, best for small spaces and the best treadmill for tall runners. 

Here are my favorite 11 Benefits to Treadmill Running!

Here is a list of 7 different treadmill workouts you can save and try for next time! 

12. Heart Rate Monitor

Some might like to know their heart rates and know the intensity that they are working out at but that is a personal preference.

Just know that these aren't absolutely necessary even when training for a marathon but they can be fun to play around with.

I run with the Fitbit Versa 2 and love it!

My favorite feature is that it vibrates at every half mile mark (although you could set it up differently) that I run so that I know how far I have come. 

13. Hydration Pack:

It is so important to maintain your body fluids while training for a marathon and especially during your long runs!

When I was training for my first marathon my dad would bike next to me with water. I could have saved him many an hour with one of these hydration packs.

I have heard that wearing a hydration pack that has a fuel bottle on just one side is unbalancing and annoying but do your research and test what works best for you. 

If you do end up going the backpack route just make sure you take precautions to prevent chafing. 

Here's a guide/list of the best running hydration belts for marathoners! 

14. FlipBelt

If you need to carry your phone and other small items along with you on a training run or during the race the FlipBelt is the best piece of running gear for the job!

Very smooth, not bulky, and keeps everything where you need it.

I highly recommend! It's one of my very favorite pieces of running gear and one that I never leave the house without!

Running Gear for Recovery & Well Being

15. Body Glide

Body Glide will save your thighs, nipples, underarms, basically anywhere that rubs when you run or that is prone to blisters.

You will completely avoid those horrible skin burns caused by increase friction and movement if you stay lubricated with Body Glide!

I have found Vaseline to soak into the skin and therefore reduce it's effectiveness.

It's not worth taking a chance to look like you have been riding a pony all day and to feel as if you need to scream in agony with each step after your run!

16. Vitamins C & Vitamin B.

After a long run your immunity will be somewhat compromised making your more prone to colds and sicknesses that are in the air.

Pop about 500 grams of Vitamin C immediately after a long run to help build that immunity back up! Vitamin B will help to boost your energy levels.

You can also take this vitamin before a long run to help start building up your immunity and energy levels.

See this page for the best supplements for runners! 

17. Tennis Balls 

These are a cheap and highly effective massage tool for your feet after a long run.

Just grab your water, take a seat and roll your balls underneath your feet for several minutes. So good!

Running Gear to keep in your Car

  • An extra pair of running shoes!
  • Running Outfit
  • Clean socks
  • Body Glide
  • Band Aids
  • Sunscreen
  • Dry Shampoo

IF you are an early morning runner, or run in the dark...

I love my early morning runs, however, that means that sometimes in the Fall and Winter months especially, I am running in the dark. 

I share my best tips and my favorite pieces of running-in-the-dark gear on this page! 

IF you find yourself regularly running in the rain...

You might enjoy this page on Running Gear + Tips for Running in the Rain! 

Gear for running in the cold

I love the saying, there truly is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing choices. 

While I struggle with being cold, if I remember the above little saying, it can motivate to bundle up and heat out the door on a refreshing and invigorating cold weather run.

Something that can really help, especially in windy conditions is the best running mask for cold weather! 

Motivational Running Gear

  • Download the CharityMiles app that will donate 25 cents for every mile that you run to a charity of your choice. How awesome is that! All you have to do is run!

Running gear may be a necessity for you or something that motivates you.

Whatever running gear you decide to get do what's right for you and have fun with it!

Pages Related to Running Gear:

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