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Like the running quotes, these marathon quotes are the antidote for marathon runners, veterans and trainees alike.
Let them pump you up. Keep sailing along with them in your back pocket.
Marathon Running Quotes
You have to forget your last marathon before you try another.
Your mind can’t know what’s coming. ~ Frank Shorter
If you feel bad at 10 miles, you’re in trouble. If you feel
bad at 20 miles, you’re normal. If you don’t feel bad at 26.2 miles, you’re
abnormal. ~ Rob de Castella
The marathon can humble you. ~ Bill Rodgers
I don’t think about the miles that are coming down the road,
I don’t think about the mile I’m on right now, I don’t think about the miles I’ve
already covered. I think about what I’m doing right now, just being lost in the
moment. ~ Ryan Hall
The body doesn’t want you to do this. As you run, it tells
you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body.
You must handle the pain with strategy…It is not age; it is not diet. It is the
will to succeed. ~ Jacqueline Gareau
Anyone can run 20 miles. It’s the next six that count. ~
Barry Magee
First you feel like dying. Then you feel reborn. ~ Asics
Marathons are about tenacity as much as talent. ~ John Bingham
Marathoning is just another form of insanity. ~ John J. Kelly
Always concentrate on how far you’ve come, rather than how far you have left to go. ~ Anonymous
At mile 20, I thought I was dead. At mile 22, I wished I was dead. At mile 24, I knew I was dead. At mile 26.2, I realized I had become too tough to kill. ~ Anonymous
The person who starts the race is not the same person who finishes the race. ~ Anonymous
A marathon is a string of moments, mixtures of events and emotions that we sample as we move along. ~ Anonymous
To finish will leave you feeling like a champion and positively change your life. ~ Jeff Galloway
There will be days you don’t think you can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime off knowing you have. ~ Anonymous
Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better.
To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who’s never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind. ~ Jerome Drayton
I just run as hard as I can for 20 miles, and then race. ~ Steve Jones
A marathon is like life with it’s ups and downs, but once you have done it you feel that you can do anything. ~ Anonymous
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