72 Running Tips for Beginners + Good Reminders for Long Time Runners!

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I have 72 practical running tips for beginners right here for you!

It is always so fun and exciting to begin a new journey.

Learning from others past experiences in one of the best ways to speed up the learning process and to help you grow faster!

So I want to pay it forward and share what I have learned personally and through helping others on the road to running!

Here goes!  My best running tips for beginners:

1. Know what your goal is in becoming a runner.

What do you want to get out of being a runner? 

Perhaps this page on goal setting and the free printable goal planner sheet for runners will help you determine.

2. Start slow. 

Don’t push yourself even if you are feeling great!  Running tips for beginners must include a little bit of caution...

Keep building at a slow and healthy pace to really see great progress!

A good rule of thumb is to increase your running mileage by no more than 10% each week.

However, when you are first starting out you don't want to constantly be increasing your mileage and your running pace but rather you want your body to become adjusted and comfortable with running a predicted amount at a set pace.

3. Take the time to find the right pair of shoes for your feet. 

They don’t have to cost a lot of money but they do need to fit well!

Here is my guide on finding the best running shoes for you + lots of great recommendations! 

4. Make short term goals (the first month, 6 weeks, 6 months, etc.)

This is a hard running tips for beginners because we are all a bit anxious to achieve something big!

Build up slowly and set stepping stones for yourself.

5. Record your runs whether in a running log or journal, on your calendar or in your planner.

Here are some thoughts on what to include in your running log + some great running log recommendations.

6. Pre-plan your running week.

How far will you be going?

What running routes will you be running?

What is the distances of those routes?

Do you have the fuel/hydration gear that you need? 

Failing to plan is planning to fail!

This tip can make or break a beginner runner! 

7. Drink lots of water! 

 Make it fun! Get a water bottle (or 2 or 3 preferably), use fruit slices or berries, or find a brand of tea that you love.

If you are planning on going on runs that are more than an hour in length, then consider finding a good energy drink that you like

8. Learn how to land softly on your feet. 

You don’t want to be a loud runner that can be hear from a mile a way. Plus the impact that that causes on your body can quickly lead to injury.

Think of being light and airy and concentrate on landing quietly for each footstep.

9. Notice your footfall.

How are you landing?

On your heel, forefoot or toes?

Many runners land on their heels. I believe that landing on your forefoot can drastically reduce your chances of injury although it can take practice. 

It's best if you are aware from the beginning how your running form looks and feels.

Here is a page that has lots of tips on running form. 

10. Cross train

 As a beginner runner, incorporate other activities as your body is adjusting to all of the running.

Plus it can be fun and motivating to mix up your exercise routine!

Get a cross training activities list for runners over here + some great cross training YouTube videos!

11. strength train as a runner

Of course running tips for beginners must include strength training!  You will be more successful in your journey as a runner.

You do not need to do anything intense, however running and strength training are a beautiful combination.

Start small, 10 minutes, 2x a week, keep your weights light and easily accessible.

Focus on your upper body one day and then target your lower body on the second day.

Here is a guide to strength training for runners.

12. Review your goals consistently. 

When you have achieved shorter goals then it’s time to make a big picture plan!

Perhaps run a marathon is on your list? :)

This Ultimate Guide on How to Train for a Marathon then is what you will want to glance at to start thinking about all that it entails. 

Half Marathons are also such a fun milestone to train for and complete!  

13. Set up running systems. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated but turn your running into a routine.

  • Lay out your clothes
  • fill your water bottle the night before
  • create a running box with everything you need related to run
  • print off some stretches to do and hang up as a reminder

Think of all those little things that take just a bit of time but make a huge impact on your ability to get out the door and go for a run! 

14. Keep a listening playlist topped off with exciting content.

Here are some ideas:

 When you are ready to run you don’t want to waste time deciding what to listen to.

15. Don’t underestimate the power of a silent, thought provoking run.

Silence and the meditative, rythmic pounding of your feet really give your subconscious the time to work through your troubles - whether you are aware of them or not. ;) 

16. Realize the gift of being able to get outside and be in nature.

We are so blessed to be able to have the ability to go out the door and run for a couple of miles!

It is such a powerful antidote to all of life's little struggles.

Don't take it for granted and enjoy every minute!

17. focus on your diet as a runner.

Here are some thoughts on where to start:

  • Record what you eat
  • Review, take inventory and throw away foods in your pantry that are triggers
  • Think of nourishing your body and not indulging it

18. Eat healthy carbs

Carbohydrates fuel the runner especially when you are long distance running.

However this does not mean processed carbs such as donuts, cereal, white rice, white bread, etc.

Opt for complex carbohydrates and your nutrition and performance will be greatly enhanced!

Think brown rice, quinoa, oats, fruits, and veggies to name a few. 

Running tips for beginners includes healthy eating! So really give this some thought and take some time to fuel your body as a runner should. 

19. Think of food as fuel not as junk that you need to burn off. 

 At least 80% of the food you eat should nourish and fuel your body.

The other 20% of your food can be for your sanity and indulgement. ;)

We all need celebratory/treat/cheat meals every once in a while.

Some people can get away with more or less so it takes a bit of figuring out to find what works best for you especially as you begin your journey as a runner.

20. Have a mix of complex carbs + protein within 30 minutes before or after a run.

Doing so will enhance your running performance, provide energy and recovery.

Here is a list of great carbohydrates for runners.

Here is another list of the best high protein foods for runners. 

21. remember that The food you see is the food you eat

Set out healthy choices on your counters. Include lots of fruit bowls and even cut up veggies to snack and fuel up on throughout the day. 

Keep the healthier options showcased in the front of the pantry and fridge and you will be much more likely to eat that versus the Oreos that are hiding in the dark corners.

If you keep those cookies on the counter, that’s what you are going to be craving all day and you are more than likely going to not resist them depending on your sweet-tooth threshold! :) 

22. Make/prep a go-to running snack.

You are going to find yourself a lot hungrier as you increase your activity level especially when beginning such a vigorous activity like running. 

All running tips for beginners should mention having a go-to snack on hand that is filling, fueling, and healthy! 

 I love these protein poppers that gives you some protein as well as healthy complex carbs in the oats.

23. Eat water dense foods for extra hydration.

Basically, you want to be strategic about the staying well hydrated before you even begin running but especially during and after.

Water dense foods are largely fruits and vegetables. We should be eating lots of them anyways! :) 

24. Build your volume gradually to increase your running fitness. 

If you want to be a runner well you have to...run.

The best way to build your running fitness and Vo2max is to get miles in and get very comfortable at running shorter mileage runs. 

Build slowly even if you are including only half a mile to 1 extra mile every 2 weeks to a month! 

25. Piggybacking off of #24, only increase your total mileage each week by no more than 10%. 

As we mentioned previously, this strategy allows for growth but also does not increase your chances of becoming injured.

By the way, here is a guide to all things running-injury related

26. Start by going for total amount of time before you focus on distance

Build up to running for 20 minutes, then 30, and 40 before you begin to focus on running 1 mile, then 2 and 3 miles.

Here is a 2-month plan that will help you build up to running continuously for 30 minutes without stopping! 

27. Visualize yourself as the runner you want to be. 

Maybe you want to be a recreational runner, a morning runner, a competitive runner, a strong runner, a fast runner.

Whatever it is, visualize yourself doing exactly what you want to become and you will increase your chances ten-fold.

Also, your brain will pick up on those ques and will naturally begin to associate with those visuals.

28. Breathe.

It can be hard to keep moving, going step after step, but always come back to being aware of your breathing.

If you are breathing too fast and too hard maybe slow it down.

If you feel as if your breathing isn’t labored enough then feel free to pick up the pace.

Take deep breaths to recover faster.

Just remember, always keep breathing. Here are some more tips for breathing when running. 

And onto running tips for beginners #29...

29. Focus on building speed only after you build your running volume

Once you have built your running volume (total weekly mileage volume) then you can begin to focus on speed.

Speed work can be very strenuous on your body which is why you want to make sure you are comfortable with running before attempting to add in speed training.

Here is a guide to speed training for runners for when you  are ready. 

30. When you are ready to focus on speed, first start by doing “strides” 

To begin on speed work first start by adding in faster-paced “strides” to the end of your runs, 2x per week. 

Start with one stride and work up to 10 strides over the course of several weeks.

You can find more information on strides on this page of Running Workouts Guide.

31. When it gets hard, smile! 

Smiling relaxes you and releases feel good hormones. It takes the edge off of stress! 

This is one of my favorite running tips for beginners!

32. Incorporate Run/walking technique if you are trying to begin running without stopping

Choose the variation of run/walk interval that works best for you - 1 minute of running, 1 minute of walking, or 5 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking, etc.

Slowly build to cut out the walking breaks a little at a time. 

Here is a guide to run/walking that you might enjoy.

And now, the 33rd running tips for beginners...

33. form is everything for a beginner runner! 

Now is the time to learn what good running form is before habits are made.

Watch some running form videos, have someone take a video of you running and analyze what you are doing right or wrong.

If you missed it earlier, here is a page on how to have good running form. 

34. Keep your head up and think of spinal alignment

 Posture is everything to run faster, have great form and reduce upper body soreness.

It will also save you and your body in the long run. (Pun maybe not intended. ;)

35. Don’t neglect stretching after a run. 

Especially if you plan on staying healthy, active and injury free for years to come, stretching is imperative! 

Your body can become so incredibly tight that you must get in the habit of lengthening your muscles. after all the muscle contraction with each step you take while running.

Here are my 4 favorite stretches for runners.

36. Be aware of your heart rate.

A good guideline to use as a beginner/recreational runner is to keep your heart rate between 50-75% for heart healthy running.

Here is a good chart for guidance:

Source: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/target-heart-rates

37. Keep your shoulders relaxed. 

It’s easy for them to start a hike up to your ears.

Especially if you are beginning to feel sluggish do a quick shoulder check. This becomes more important as you begin to run longer and longer mileage. 

38. Don’t bring your arms across your body when you are running

Focus on moving your arms forward and backwards instead of across the front of your body.

Runners have all different types and styles of arm swings so don't get to hung up on this, just realize that is a more efficient way to move and in the end do what feels comfortable to you! 

39. the more steps you take the better

Don’t focus on taking big steps, rather take small, little steps.

You will have better form, less impact will be transferred to the rest of your body, and you will go faster! 

40. Don’t let the front foot land far out in front of your body.

This is called, "overstriking" and places a significant amount of impact and stress on the rest of your body.

It also can be a cause of injury, especially shin splints.

Focus on landing your foot directly under your body. 

41. Don't hunch over when running uphill

Remember to keep your head and spine aligned all the way to your hips and lean slightly forward to let gravity have almost pull you up the hill. 

Don't double over though and cause running uphill to be harder than it needs to be.

42. the higher you lift your knees the faster you will go!

 If you want to sprint at the finish or at the end of a run, then one of the greatest running tips for beginners is to pick those knees UP!

However you can’t keep this up for long, it requires a lot of energy to sprint as fast as possible like this.

So if you want to go the distance, save your energy and keep those knees lower and raise them when you just need that extra burst of speed.

43. be consistent!

Consistency is key to becoming a runner. 

You can’t run just once a week and expect to feel great and have your body adapt to running. 

Give your body a run 3 times a week and then cross train on the other 1-2 days.

This will allow your body to make adjustments in transforming you into a fit runner!

Recap: Running tips for beginners #43 - CONSISTENCY!

44. sign up for a shorter distance race.

If you have trouble with consistency then sign up for a short, local race, perhaps a 2 miler or 5k and then work up to 10K training.

(Here’s some 10K training plans!)

 Schedule your training runs on the calendar and make it a non-negotiable.

After all you're putting money on the table. :)

45. you don't need all the running gear.

 Start only with the running essentials. 

There are so many cool running gadgets and trendy devices, tools and clothes.

To start though, all you need are some shoes, an outfit (yes, you only need one to just get going) and some nutritious fuel.

Here's a list of running gear that you might be interested in as you really begin to commit to being a runner. 

46. get the right running clothes to feel your best.

Opt for polyester (wickable, breathable) vs. cotton clothing to keep your body cooled and the sweat away. 

Running tips for beginners includes talking about clothing...

47. do focused rest and recovery days.

Rest days do not mean no physical activity whatsoever.

Keep these days low-key, focused and relaxed by:

  • going for a walk, 
  • doing some dynamic stretching
  • or foam rolling 
  • or even just treating yourself to an extra healthy smoothie, tea, or dark chocolate

48. use your abs when running, not your back muscles.

Pull your abs in to take pressure off of your back while you are running.

 Especially if you are running longer distances or maybe have some extra weight to lose, pulling your belly button in towards your spine will give you back a break from doing all of the work and will help prevent a backache.

(Actually do this throughout your entire day! Make those abs work for you!) 

Abs are a very important running tips for beginners and can help significantly with your backaches!

49. run on soft surfaces.

Run on softer surfaces as you begin your running journey. 

This will allow you to reduce the amount of impact that your body feels.

Start by running on a treadmill, track or even the grass which generally give you less impact and more absorption than running on the roads.

50. set your treadmill incline to level 1.

Remember that treadmills take away the outside elements of wind, terrain, temperature, etc. and you might find that you can run faster on a treadmill versus outside. 

Therefore by setting your treadmill incline to a level 1 you mimic a just a bit more the outside terrain. Your effort level will go up just a bit as well just as it would when running outside. 

They are not created equal although treadmills are extremely beneficial to a runner!

51. Dress appropriately

A good rule of thumb is to dress for 10 degrees warmer than the thermometer actually says. 

Your body will heat up quickly and it’s important to keep it regulated.

Always dress in layers that you can shed.

52. know how to cool yourself off when running in the heat

If you become hot, pour water over your head, cool off your neck and the insides of your wrists. 

This will help bring your body temperature down.

Here are some more tips for running in the heat.

53. know how to breathe when it's cold outside

If it’s cold outside, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

This will allow your body to warm the cold, dry air that you are breathing in before it hits your lungs.

54. know your cold weather tolerance level and dress appropriately

Running in cold weather can be such a pleasure if you are dressed right!

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as better just bad clothing choices.

An easy way to ruin a perfectly good run is by not bringing along the right cold weather gear.

Always wear a hat to keep those ears warm and prevent the wind from whipping right through you!

P.S. I usually wear a hat and gloves if it's 45 degrees or below. It's good to have a temperature threshold to go by. What's yours?

P.S.S. This is my favorite running hat for cold weather

55. don't put up with chafing! 

If you chafe easily, use body glide or Vaseline.

Put it on before you run and then actually enjoy your run and that feel-good-soreness without the chafing afterwards!

Some areas to rub it on are your thighs, nipples, and bra line.

56. Know how to treat blisters

Blisters are a very common problem amongst beginner runners.

Some times it just takes time for your body to adjust and build up callouses to the areas where your blisters like to appear.

Trust me know, the more you run the less often you will experience blisters. (It's been years since I've had one!)

If you are suffering from a blister though, duck tape works like a charm over them. Moleskin and Vitamin E oil also work wonders! 

57. be purposeful about your runs

Every run should have a purpose whether it is to build your weekly volume, your speed, do a slow recovery run, etc. 

Give each of your runs a goal/reason to perform them.  When you are being intentional with your running goals and the reason as to why you are running each run, then you are much more likely to stay motivated and accountable!

Recap on running tips for beginners #57 - Have a PURPOSE!

58. Pick a mantra

A mantra is a word or phrase that you can repeat to yourself during a run to keep yourself motivated, or to remember your goals, or to help define that run.

They are very helpful in improving your mental running game! 

Here are some tips on choosing a mantra.

59. focus on getting quality sleep.

 Running is a vigorous exercise and it’s important to give your body that much needed sleep to allow for recovery and change to happen.

If you haven’t already, begin a night time routine to help you wind down and make a goal to sleep for at least 7 hours every night.

Sleep is one of the best things you can give your body as a runner (it can even be more important than your nutrition!). 

It really can make or break your success as a runner!

Running tips for beginners must include good sleep.

Ready for the Last 15 beginner Running tips?

60. always run against traffic

 Run against the traffic so oncoming cars can see you and so that you can see them.

Be careful going around corners though as a car won’t generally be able to see you until starts turning towards you.

61. Always let someone know your running plans

Always let someone know where you are going, how far you are running and a general time of when you should be back.

Even if you live by yourself, get in the habit of texting someone or just leaving a note on your counter. Safety comes first for running tips for beginners!

62. find a source of inspiration

Find a place where you can draw inspiration from:

  • a site, 
  • blog, 
  • running buddy, 
  • Instagram feed, book, 
  • video, 
  • or maybe create your own physical running board where you hang things that you find that inspires your running

63. give your brain a warm-up

Set a timer on your phone to go off 30 minutes prior to a run so that you can begin to shift gears and get your head in the game.

It will also make it less likely that you will skip through “forgetfulness”. How's that for running tips for beginners?

64. test your fitness level

 Every once in a while, schedule a fitness test into your running to see where your running fitness is at. 

If you can run 1.5 miles without stopping then you can test now! 

Otherwise check in on that Vo2max value on your smart watch (I’m partial to the FitBit)to see if you are improving.

Remember, the higher the Vo2max number is, the more fit you are!

65. don't underestimate the power of stretching

If you feel pain starting in any area then focus on stretching those muscles and building strength through exercises that target those muscle groups.

66. just know that compression socks are wonderful!

Get compression socks/tights for your legs!

They help to pump that blood but also provide recovery relief and prevent soreness after runs. 

Here’s more incentive to pick up a pair.

67. You shouldn't feel tired all the time

 If you are finding that you lack energy to run then look at your nutrition. 

Are you getting enough complex carbohydrates, do you need to take supplements(here are some that I recommend for runners) or maybe get your coffee in beforehand?

68. have an arsenal of recovery tools

Before you reach for the ibuprofen here are some alternatives to try:

  • stretching, 
  • massage, 
  • nutrition, 
  • compression, 
  • elevation, 
  • an Epsom salt bath 
  • heating pad

69. keep your inspiration visible

Write a quote, tip, or tape a picture of something that speaks to you in a visible spot as a reminder of why you want to continue running.

70. consistently reflect on what is working and what isn't

Stop and think about what is going right in your running world and what needs to be tweaked.

A good time to do this is when you are running. Are you seeing improvement? Change?

71. create running traditions that you look forward to.

Maybe it’s a literal Saturday morning donut run.

Or a Thanksgiving race every year.

Or doing a sunrise run on at least one morning of each vacation that you take.

These little running memories will hard wire you to continue to love running.

72. Always have fun with your running

This is the best of all the running tips for beginners! 

There will be times that you are training for a race or just need to lose some weight but it can still be fun and definitely enjoyable!

Find new routes, choose a healthy reward for yourself for passing milestones, try new foods, new places, make new friends, and relish all of the new experiences!

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